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Welcome to my blog! I use my blog as a way to reflect, share, organize, and re-conceptualize my views as an educator. Enjoy and feel free to comment, post, disagree, and share your opinion. The more perspectives, the better!

Monday, April 11, 2011

A Different Perspective. How long is 2 years?

So I read this guest blog post in the NYT tonight. It is a 3 part series that discusses one of the most controversial  parts of the Teach For America program: the two year commitment. This is an issue I can see both sides of. There is something to be said for new energy, but there is also a part of me that knows that teaching cannot be mastered overnight. It takes time to learn and build teaching skills. The 2 year commitment was not a factor for me b/c I plan to spend the rest of my life in the field of education, but I realize that this is not everyone's ideal pathway. I personally think it is better to have people in all areas of society who have had teaching experience. Why? I believe that it is difficult to understand the problems with our education system and the challenges of being an educator until you have been one! I really believe this out of any career, but I think that it is particularly important b/c so many people believe they know all about being a teacher. Let me tell you, being a student does not mean you know what it is like to be a teacher. The same goes for parents (not that I know this personally).Just because your children go to school does not mean that you understand the complexities of being a classroom teacher. Education is a common experience in our society and a much less complex social issue than war, taxes, and spending, thus people feel the need to comment on it. Walk a mile in our shoes please :)

Now that I have gone on a really long tangent, why I really brought the series up is more personal. It was not until reading them that I realized I might be making a permanent move to Nashville. Freak out moment! Major freak out moment. I think that up until this point I have been relying on the "its only 2 years" idea of a temporary placement rather than a major life change and career move. I think I have been holding on to the idea that in 2 years I can return to Cincinnati and that it will be the same city and experience that it is now for me. Reality check. Two years is a long time. I am leaving a lot behind and so many things can change. Right now I am terrified. I think it is about time I begin to embrace it.

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