Welcome to My Blog!

Welcome to my blog! I use my blog as a way to reflect, share, organize, and re-conceptualize my views as an educator. Enjoy and feel free to comment, post, disagree, and share your opinion. The more perspectives, the better!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

I am just sarcasm!

I was working with one of my students during writing. He was making a cover for his book and I kept sending him back to his seat to do better work and follow the directions given. The last time I sent him back to his seat he started sighing. I told him I thought he was exaggerating. 

His response, "I know Miss Prinzo, I am just being sarcasm. I am just sarcasm."


  1. Very cute!
    I think your blog is great. You have some good links in your sidebar. Starfall is one of my favorites. Reading Rockets is a good resource for teachers and parents.
    Enjoy your student teaching. I did my student teaching 16 years ago. It seems so long ago. I substitute taught for four years and taught primary grades for four years until I decided to stay home with my three children.
    Best of luck to you.

  2. Thanks for your kind words!

    I will check out Reading Rockets. I appreciate the suggestion!
